Sunday, 6 June 2010

Aros/Waiting a Translation

Aros is one of my favourite modern Welsh poems, and I decided to translate it so that others could enjoy it. I hope the poet doesn't mind, but I think it's important that more people appreciate the great literature which is still coming from Wales in our language. It was written by Mererid Puw Davies in 1996. Translation by moi :-)


aros am rywun
mewn cafe min-nosol
mwg yn wlith ar blanhigion gwyrddion
oriau'n llwenwi'r panediau coffi
a'r munudau'n siwgr arian

dal i aros am rywun
mewn cornel wlithog
sy'n lliferio o amser

aros am rywun
(na chyrhaeddith bellach)
tynnaf sgwrs a'r planhigion

aros am rywun
(dibwys beth bynnag)
tête à tête a planhigyn

a phwy a wyr alle
fod y planhigyn siriol
yn gryn dipyn mwy annwyl
gryn dipyn mwy rhywiol

na rhywun ddyfeisiais i?


waiting for someone
in an late night cafe
smoke like dew on the green plants
hours filling the coffee cups
and silver sugar minutes

still waiting for someone
in a liquid corner
which flows from time

waiting for someone
(who won't come anymore)
I make conversation with the plants

waiting for someone
(it's not important anyway)
tête à tête with the plant

and who knows, it could
be this cheerful plant
is quite a bit more dear
quite a bit sexier

than someone I devised.

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